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Piece title: C:/Hilanda/to_be_expired/Spinning_Dreams.exe
artist: Hilanda (a.k.a. Tania Lopez Winkler)
The intervention C:/Hilanda/to_be_expired/Spinning_Dreams.execonsistsin a drawing scale 1:1 of the Crouch End open square outside the Hornsey Town Hall with a line 60cm from the ground following the walls of the surrounding buildings. The line is mark with an orange tape and drawn by writing a chain of dreams that begins with a dream/fiction from the artist, followed by dreams written by the public.
The installation is part of a series of interventions that follow the same parameters and that each time explores the imperfections and corners of the spaces it inhabits. Also, it explores the body positions in relation to space. The height of the installation forces the participant to kneel and notice the corners that envelop everyday life.
The piece is the event of writing on the walls, as the tension between the rigidity of the line versus the unstructured nature of the dream make the drawing. Once the perimeter of the room is closed the installation expires. As it is taken from the wall the rigidity of the line leaves way to a bundle of dreams. The expired piece is the structured space re-born as a formless shape.